Israel 2022, 54 min, Hebrew and English, Hebrew & English subtitles

Orr, a film student diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, documents the gentle bond between a father (60) and his stepson (17), who suffers from a degenerative disease. Orr manages to create intimacy with his protagonists, and delicately raises questions about the essence of love and the right to life.

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Screening Schedule:
  • Thu 26.05 | 14:45 | Cinematheque 4 | Filmmaker Present | Free Admission Upon Registration
  • Watch Online | The film will be available From May 26th at 2:45 P.M. until June 5th

Orr Weisberg is a 25 years old student of the film department in Beit Berl College. Born in Israel and raised in U.S.A, where he was diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. During his studies he developed his documentary skills and today he is finishing his one hour graduation project.

Production, Script, Cinematography & Research: Orr Weisberg
Production Company: The Film Department, Faculty of Arts- HaMidrasha, Beit Berl College
Editing: Arkady Volovik
Sound Design: Erez Eini Shavit
Music: Adi-Keshet Cohen

Source: Faculty of Arts- HaMidrasha, Beit Berl College

Supporters & Broadcasters: Beit Berl Academic College, Faculty of Arts "Hamidrasha", Film Department, Gesher Multicultural Film Fund

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