Italy 2014, 26 min, No Dialogue

The belly of the renowned stadium shakes, squeaks, and rattles. The giant machine cranks into gear, and everyone has a job to do. Laborers, stewards, security guards, commentators, fans, and soccer players move like well-oiled cogs in an intricate mechanism, enveloped in a near-mystical cloud of excitement before the game.

Previous Festivals: TIFF, Locarno FF, CPH:DOX

Screening Schedule:
  • Sun 29.05 | 20:00 | Cinematheque 2 | Filmmaker Present

Yuri Ancarani is an contemporary video artist and filmmaker based out of Italy. His works are often born out of a continuous mingling of documentary cinema and contemporary art. His works have been shown at national and international museums and exhibitions.

Production: Yuri Ancarani, Careof DOCVA, MAXXI, Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo, SKY per il Sociale, Studio Ancarani
Script: Yuri Ancarani
Sound Design: Mirco Mencacci
Music: Lorenzo Senni, Wang Inc