Israel 2022, 43 min, Hebrew, Hebrew & English subtitles

An intimate gaze at the lives of Shiran and Smadar, two female employees in a supermarket located in the periphery of Kiryat Shmonah, at beginning of COVID-19 in Israel.
One is a cashier who cares about the health and well-being of her family, the other is a cleaner who expects a promotion.
As simple desires become complex, the film uncovers two strong women and their passion for life.

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Screening Schedule:
  • Thu 26.05 | 17:00 | Cinematheque 4 | Filmmaker Present | Free Admission Upon Registration
  • Watch Online | The film will be available From May 26th at 5 P.M. until June 5th

The ability to look beyond words led the director Lihi Rosenthal to many years of preoccupation with non-formal education at "Maccabi Tzair" youth movement and in the Education&Youth Corps, from the age of 14 to 26.
After a year of studying sociology and anthropology she decided to study film.

Production, Script & Cinematography: Lihi Rosenthal
Production Company: Tel Hai College
Editing: Benny Yoffe
Sound Design: Yossi Appelbaum, Matan Margolin, Yuval Shitrit, Yarin Abu-Hamad, Aviv Admoni
Music: Yarin Mizrahi, Sari Hajbi

Source: Tel Hai College

Supporters & Broadcasters: Tel Hai College

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