United Kingdom 2022, 95 min, English, Hebrew subtitles

They dreamed of giving Hollywood a run for its money. They had vision and talent too, but no funding to speak of. And so the Bradford Movie Makers, the members of a filmmaking club in Northern England, would meet regularly for tea and biscuits, and make ambitious zero-budget films that nobody ever watched but them. The old club, founded in 1932, is now teetering on the brink of survival after years of missed rent payments. Driven by their passion for film, the mostly elderly cinephiles insist on making more of their eccentric films, refusing to give up their source of comfort and the place that had long since become their home. But when the pandemic hit, it brought with it a plot twist that nobody saw coming. This heartwarming film is brimming with love for cinema and people alike.

Previous Festivals: DokFest Leipzig, Sheffield

Official Website

Kim is a graduate of the NFTS, UK. Kim helped form the Documentary Department at EICTV, Cuba. Kim spent a decade making television before co-founding Labor of Love Films, a UK based independent production company specialising in feature documentaries.

Production: Margareta Szabo, Kim Hopkins
Production Company: Labor of Love Films
Editing: Leah Marino
Cinematography: Kim Hopkins
Sound Design: Margareta Szabo
Music: Terence Dunn

Source: MetFilm Sales

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