2nd Chance

Richard Davis shot himself in the abdomen 192 times to prove how effective his invention—a bulletproof vest—was. Charming and charismatic, he became a multi-millionaire and a cult phenomenon. The cracks in his funny, colorful anecdotes began to show when a policeman wearing one of his vests was shot and killed.

Closed Circuit

Two men in suits shoot at a frightened crowd in a Tel Aviv café. All caught on security cameras, Closed Circuit deconstructs this event to give insight into the complex Israeli reality and the lasting trauma caused to those involved.

Da Vinci

When the high-end surgical robot is filmed in action, inside a patient’s abdominal cavity, the human body becomes a mysterious, intriguing, pulsating space.

Mini DV

Four LGBTQ adults re-encounter the home video footage they shot of themselves as youths: Shauly explored his homosexuality; Tom faced his gender identity; Betty filmed her friends and lovers; Rumia discovered her roots in drag.

Nothing Lasts Forever

The advent of synthetic diamonds threatens to dethrone their natural counterparts. Jason Kohn’s funny and clever film shows the tricks that made us assign meaning and sentimental value to the sparkling gemstones, and wonders whether they are about to become just another mundane raw material.

The Computer Accent

In a daring experiment, American dance pop trio YACHT let an artificial intelligence compose their new album after feeding it their discography (hundreds of hours of music). Will the software turn out to be more talented, more original, or even more creative than the human musicians?

TikTok, Boom.

TikTok offers its users a funny, colorful, and near-infinite multiverse of content, but behind one of the world’s biggest social networks is a maze of intricate data collection mechanics, and the fact that all this data is stored in China raises many concerns among Western economists, culture researchers, and military strategists.

Unseen Skies

Trevor Paglen is determined to expose the invisible: sophisticated mass surveillance systems that deconstruct us all into bits of data. The acclaimed artist-activist’s attempts to launch an artwork into space as a satellite reveal his unique creative process and ideology.

We Met in Virtual Reality

The pandemic forced them into lockdown, but in the virtual world, they could keep meeting and even fall in love. Filmed entirely in an animated virtual universe, this vérité documentary follows couples who discovered that make-believe avatars could help them find a rare kind of intimacy.