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His job is to control the field, and just as crucially, the stands. Soccer referee Fedayi San must not lose focus, even for a moment. When tensions run high, he must face entitled players, aggressive fans, and a constant torrent of information coming at him from every direction. There is no room for self-doubt.

Previous Festivals: IDFA, Venice, TIFF

Official Website

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Screening Schedule:
  • Sat 03.07 | 14:30 | Cinematheque 2
  • Mon 05.07 | 18:00 | Webinars | Short Films Panel: Making Short Docs in the Festival and Digital World moderated by Nir Ferber
  • Fri 09.07 | 12:00 | Cinematheque 5
  • Watch online | The film will be available from July 1st until July 31st

Meet the Filmmakers

  • Short Films Panel: Making Short Docs in the Festival and Digital World moderated by Nir Ferber

    Mon 05.07 at 18:00

1989. Roman Hodel studied at the Video Department of the Lucerne School of Art and Design (HSLU) and works as filmmaker and cinematographer. His short film BLUELIGHT (2014, co-directed with Lena Mäder) premiered at the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur and THE GAME at the 77. La Biennale di Venezia.

Production: Franziska Sonder
Production Company: Ensemble Film Gmbh
Editing: Rolf Hellat, Roman Hodel
Cinematography: Lukas Gut
Sound Design: Oscar Von Hoogevest
